Jonny Quest "Shadow of the Condor" Julio Production Cel (1965) - ID: mar23431

Jonny Quest "Shadow of the Condor" Julio Production Cel (1965) - ID: mar23431 Hanna Barbera


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Price: $400.00
SKU: mar23431

A production cel from the Hanna Barbera Studios animated series Jonny Quest. Featuring Heinrich Von Fruelich's servant Julio, the hand-painted cel was created at the studio and used during the animation process. The cel is an actual frame of animation that was photographed and appears in the episode entitled "Shadow of the Condor," which aired on November 20, 1964. Measuring 10.5"x12" overall, with the character image measuring 5.25"x3.75", the cel is in very good condition with some black paint speckling on the surface over Julio's white shirt, the cel layers sticking together, staples at the bottom edge, and a small tear on the far left peg hole. The cel has been paired with a color copy reproduction background for display purposes.

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