Mickey, Donald, Pluto and Danny “A Heartfelt Surprise” Figurine Set (2000) - ID: 045544146012

Mickey, Donald, Pluto and Danny “A Heartfelt Surprise” Figurine Set (2000) - ID: 045544146012 Disneyana



Image Size: 
7.5”x4.5”x5.75” mickey piece, 5.25”x4.25”x4.5” donald piece, 4.75”x5.75”x3.25” pluto piece, 5”x7” card
Price: $375.00
SKU: 045544146012

A Walt Disney Classics Collection three-piece figurine set of Mickey, Donald Duck, Pluto, and Danny the Lamb, inspired by the 1948 Walt Disney Company Christmas card. Titled ‘A Heartfelt Surprise,’ the set was sculpted by Dusty Horner and released in 2000 as the Gold Circle Exclusive numbered 278 in an edition of 2000. Measuring 7.5”x4.5”x5.75” tall, 5.25”x4.25”x4.5” tall, and 4.75”x5.75”x3.25” tall, the set is in fine condition and comes with the original 14”x9.5”x8” box.


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